Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tea or Mask ?

Since this blog is about "All Things Tea",
 here is an interesting twist.  

The last tea order I placed to my wholesaler included Matcha, 
a premium green tea powder from Japan 
used for drinking as tea or as an ingredient in recipes. 

I must admit I don't particularly care for the taste, 
which I may have to work on to acquire.

So to be able to use this Matcha tea I ordered, 
I looked into recipes for breads, lattes, etc and other uses. 

Here is one I really, really liked, be prepared . . . . .

A mask made with Matcha powder, white tea, and lemon juice.  Just make a paste with these ingredients, 
apply and leave on for 15 minutes.  Rinse well.  

It left my skin refreshed, moisturized,
 and quite dewy, which is always my goal.

I am selling Matcha powder
 if you would like to make your own mask. 
It is $5.00 per 1 ounce bag, which either 
makes quite a few masks or
around 24 cups of tea.  

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